Meaning of ELECT in English

[elect] adj [ME, fr. L electus, pp. of eligere to select, fr. e- + legere to choose--more at legend] (15c) 1: carefully selected: chosen

2: chosen for salvation through divine mercy 3 a: chosen for office or position but not yet installed "the president-elect" b: chosen for marriage at some future time "the bride-elect"

[2]elect n, pl elect (15c) 1: one chosen or set apart (as by divine favor)

2. pl: a select or exclusive group of people [3]elect vb [ME, fr. L electus] vt (15c) 1: to select by vote for an office, position, or membership "~ed her class president"

2: to make a selection of "will ~ an academic program"

3: to choose (as a course of action) esp. by preference "might ~ to sell the business" ~ vi: to make a selection

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