▪ annually
Members of the council are ~ed annually.
▪ locally , nationally
▪ democratically , freely , popularly
▪ unanimously
▪ directly , indirectly
It was decided that the president should be ~ed directly in free elections.
▪ duly , formally
▪ legally , legitimately
▪ to
She was the first black woman ~ed to Congress.
He was ~ed to Parliament in 1997.
▪ be ~ed , get ~ed
What changes will he make if he gets ~ed?
▪ be declared ~ed
Any candidate with more than half the votes shall be declared ~ed.
▪ be ~ed unopposed
Five were successful, three being ~ed unopposed.
▪ newly ~ed , recently ~ed
the newly ~ed chairman
Elect is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ congress , ↑ voter
Elect is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ assembly , ↑ candidate , ↑ chairman , ↑ committee , ↑ Congressman, Congresswoman , ↑ council , ↑ delegate , ↑ deputy , ↑ fellow , ↑ government , ↑ governor , ↑ judge , ↑ leader , ↑ mayor , ↑ member , ↑ minister , ↑ parliament , ↑ party , ↑ politician , ↑ pope , ↑ premier , ↑ president , ↑ prime minister , ↑ representative , ↑ secretary , ↑ senator , ↑ steward , ↑ successor , ↑ treasurer
Elect is used with these nouns: ↑ president