[gun] n [ME gonne, gunne] (14c) 1 a: a piece of ordnance usu. with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory b: a portable firearm (as a rifle or handgun) c: a device that throws a projectile
2. a: a discharge of a gun esp. as a salute or signal b: a signal marking a beginning or ending 3 a: hunter b: gunman
4: something suggesting a gun in shape or function
5: throttle -- gunned adj -- under the gun : under pressure or attack
[2]gun vb gunned ; gun.ning vi (1622): to hunt with a gun ~ vt 1 a: to fire on b: shoot "gunned down by a hit man"
2. a: to open up the throttle of so as to increase speed "~ the engine" b: fire 3b "gunned the ball to first base" -- gun for : to aim at or go after with determination or effort