[have] vb had ; hav.ing ; has [ME, fr. OE habban; akin to OHG haben to have, and perh. to hevan to lift--more at heave] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement "they ~ a new car" "I ~ my rights" b: to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal "the group will ~ enough tickets for everyone" "we don't ~ time to stay" c: to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole "the car has power brakes" "April has 30 days"
2: to feel obligation in regard to--usu. used with an infinitive with to "we ~ things to do" "~ a deadline to meet"
3: to stand in a certain relationship to "has three fine children" "we will ~ the wind at our backs"
4. a: to acquire or get possession of: obtain "these shoes are the best to be had" b: receive "had news" c: accept; specif: to accept in marriage d: to copulate with
5. a: to be marked or characterized by (a quality, attribute, or faculty) "both ~ red hair" "has a way with words" b: exhibit, show "had the gall to refuse" c: use, exercise "~ mercy on us"
6. a: to experience esp. by submitting to, undergoing, or suffering "I ~ a cold" b: to make the effort to perform (an action) or engage in (an activity) "~ a look at that cut" c: to entertain in the mind "~ an opinion"
7. a: to cause or command to do something--used with the infinitive without to "~ the children stay" b: to cause to be in a certain place or state "has people around at all times" 8: allow "we'll ~ no more of that" 9: to be competent in "has only a little French"
10. a: to hold in a position of disadvantage or certain defeat "we ~ him now" b: to take advantage of: trick, fool "been had by a partner" 11: beget, bear "~ a baby" 12: to partake of "~ dinner" "~ a smoke" 13: bribe, suborn "can be had for a price" ~ verbal auxiliary 1--used with the past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect "has gone home" "had already eaten" "will ~ finished dinner by then"
2: to be compelled, obliged, or required--used with an infinitive with to or to alone "we had to go" "do what you have to" "it has to be said" -- had better or had best : would be wise to -- have at : to go at or deal with: attack -- have coming : to deserve or merit what one gets, benefits by, or suffers "he had that coming" -- have done : finish, stop -- have done with : to bring to an end: have no further concern with "let us have done with name-calling" -- have had it 1: to have had or have done all one is going to be allowed to
2: to have experienced, endured, or suffered all one can -- have it : assert, claim "rumor has it that he was drunk" -- have it in for : to intend to do harm to -- have it out : to settle a matter of contention by discussion or a fight -- have none of : to refuse to have anything to do with -- have one's eye on 1 a: to look at b: to watch constantly and attentively
2: to have as an objective -- have to do with 1: to deal with "the story has to do with real people --Alice M. Jordan"
2: to have a specified relationship with or effect on "the size of the brain has nothing to do with intelligence --Ruth Benedict"
[2]have n (1836): one that is well-endowed esp. in material wealth