[hook] n [ME, fr. OE hoc; akin to MD hoec fishhook, corner, Lith kenge hook] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling b: something intended to attract and ensnare
2: something curved or bent like a hook; esp, pl: fingers
3: a flight or course of a ball that deviates from straight in a direction opposite to the dominant hand of the player propelling it; also: a ball following such a course--compare slice
4: a short blow delivered with a circular motion by a boxer while the elbow remains bent and rigid
5: hook shot
6: buttonhook 7: quick or summary removal--used with get or give "the pitcher got the ~ after giving up three runs" 8: a device esp. in music or writing that catches the attention 9: a selling point or marketing scheme -- by hook or by crook : by any means -- off the hook 1: out of trouble
2: free of responsibility or accountability -- on one's own hook : by oneself: independently
[2]hook vt (13c) 1: to form into a hook: crook
2. a: to seize or make fast by or as if by a hook b: to connect by or as if by a hook--often used with up
3: steal, pilfer
4: to make (as a rug) by drawing loops of yarn, thread, or cloth through a coarse fabric with a hook
5: to hit or throw (a ball) so that a hook results ~ vi 1: to form a hook: curve
2: to become hooked
3: to work as a prostitute