[rape] n [ME, fr. L rapa, rapum turnip, rape; akin to OHG raba turnip, rape, Lith rope] (14c): a European herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop for sheep and hogs and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food--compare canola
[2]rape vt raped ; rap.ing [ME, fr. L rapere] (14c) 1 a archaic: to seize and take away by force b: despoil
2: to commit rape on -- rap.er n -- rap.ist n [3]rape n (14c) 1: an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force
2. a: sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or deception--compare statutory rape b: unlawful sexual intercourse by force or threat other than by a man with a woman
3: an outrageous violation [4]rape n [F rape grape stalk] (1657): grape pomace