Meaning of RATHER in English

[rath.er] adv [ME, fr. OE hrathor, compar. of hrathe quickly; akin to OHG rado quickly, OE hraed quick] (bef. 12c) 1: with better reason or more propriety: more properly "this you should pity ~ than despise --Shak."

2: more readily or willingly: preferably "I'd ~ not go" "would ~ read than watch television"--often used interjectionally to express affirmation

3: more correctly speaking "my father, or ~ my stepfather"

4: to the contrary: instead "was no better but ~ grew worse --Mk 5:26 (RSV)"

5: in some degree: somewhat "it's ~ warm"--often used as a mild intensive "spent ~ a lot of money" -- the rather archaic: the more quickly or readily

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