Meaning of REMEMBER in English

[re.mem.ber] vb -bered ; [ME remembren, fr. MF remembrer, fr. LL rememorari, fr. L re- + LL memorari to be mindful of, fr. L memor mindful--more at memory] vt (14c) 1: to bring to mind or think of again "~s the old days"

2. archaic a: bethink 1b b: remind 3 a: to keep in mind for attention or consideration "~s friends at Christmas" b: reward "was ~ed in the will"

4: to retain in the memory "~ the facts until the test is over"

5: to convey greetings from "~ me to her"

6: record, commemorate ~ vi 1: to exercise or have the power of memory

2: to have a recollection or remembrance -- re.mem.ber.abil.i.ty n -- adj -- n syn remember, recollect, recall, remind, reminisce mean to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind. remember implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled "remembers that day as though it were yesterday". recollect implies a bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered "as near as I can recollect". recall suggests an effort to bring back to mind and often to re-create in speech "can't recall the words of the song". remind suggests a jogging of one's memory by an association or similarity "that reminds me of a story". reminisce implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone "old college friends like to reminisce".

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