[re.pair] vi [ME, fr. MF repairier to go back to one's country, fr. LL repatriare, fr. L re- + patria native country--more at expatriate] (14c) 1 a: to betake oneself: go "~ed to the judge's chambers" b: to come together: rally
2. obs: return
[2]repair n (14c) 1: the act of repairing: resort
2: a popular gathering place [3]repair vb [ME, fr. MF reparer, fr. L reparare, fr. re- + parare to prepare--more at pare] vt (14c) 1 a: to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken: fix "~ a shoe" b: to restore to a sound or healthy state: renew "~ his strength"
2: to make good: compensate for: remedy "~ a gap in my reading" ~ vi: to make repairs syn see mend -- re.pair.abil.i.ty n -- re.pair.able adj -- re.pair.er n [4]repair n (15c) 1 a: an instance or result of repairing b: the act or process of repairing c: the replacement of destroyed cells or tissues by new formations
2. a: relative condition with respect to soundness or need of repairing b: the state of being in good or sound condition