[re.verse] adj [ME revers, fr. MF, fr. L reversus, pp. of revertere to turn back--more at revert] (14c) 1 a: opposite or contrary to a previous or normal condition "~ order" b: having the back presented to the observer or opponent
2: coming from the rear of a military force
3: acting, operating, or arranged in a manner contrary to the usual
4: effecting reverse movement "~ gear"
5: so made that the part which normally prints in color appears white against a colored background -- re.verse.ly adv
[2]reverse vb re.versed ; re.vers.ing vt (14c) 1 a: to turn completely about in position or direction b: to turn upside down: invert
2: annul: as a: to overthrow, set aside, or make void (a legal decision) by a contrary decision b: to cause to take an opposite point of view c: to change to the contrary "~ a policy"
3: to cause to go in the opposite direction; esp: to cause (as an engine) to perform its action in the opposite direction ~ vi 1: to turn or move in the opposite direction
2: to put a mechanism (as an engine) in reverse -- re.vers.er n -- reverse field : to make a sudden reversal in direction or opinion syn reverse, transpose, invert mean to change to the opposite position. reverse is the most general term and may imply change in order, side, direction, meaning "reversed his position on the trade agreement". transpose implies a change in order or relative position of units often through exchange of position "transposed the letters to form an anagram". invert applies chiefly to turning upside down or inside out "a stamp with an inverted picture of an airplane". [3]reverse n (14c) 1: something directly contrary to something else: opposite
2: an act or instance of reversing; esp: defeat, setback
3: the back part of something
4. a (1): a gear that reverses something; also: the whole mechanism brought into play when such a gear is used (2): movement in reverse b: an offensive play in football in which a back moving in one direction gives the ball to a player moving in the opposite direction -- in reverse : in an opposite manner or direction