[sick] adj [ME sek, sik, fr. OE seoc; akin to OHG sioh sick] (bef. 12c) 1 a (1): affected with disease or ill health: ailing (2): of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness "~ pay" "a ~ ward" b: queasy, nauseated "~ to one's stomach" "was ~ in the car" c: undergoing menstruation
2: spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt 3 a: sickened by strong emotion "~ with fear" "worried ~" b: having a strong distaste from surfeit: satiated "~ of flattery" c: filled with disgust or chagrin "gossip makes me ~" d: depressed and longing for something "~ for one's home"
4. a: mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered: morbid "~ thoughts" b: macabre, sadistic "~ jokes"
5: lacking vigor: sickly: as a: badly outclassed "looked ~ in the contest" b: incapable of yielding a profitable crop esp. because of buildup of disease organisms "clover-sick soils"