Meaning of SKIN in English

[skin] n, often attrib [ME, fr. ON skinn; akin to OE scinn skin, MHG schint fruit peel] (13c) 1 a (1): the integument of an animal (as a fur-bearing mammal or a bird) separated from the body usu. with its hair or feathers (2): a usu. unmounted specimen of a vertebrate (as in a museum) b: the hide or pelt of a game or domestic animal c (1): the pelt of an animal prepared for use as a trimming or in a garment--compare [4]hide (2): a sheet of parchment or vellum made from a hide (3): bottle 1b

2. a: the external limiting tissue layer of an animal body esp. when forming a tough but flexible cover relatively impermeable from without while intact b: any of various outer or surface layers (as a rind, husk, or pellicle)

3: the life or physical well-being of a person "saved his own ~"

4: a sheathing or casing forming the outside surface of a structure (as a ship or airplane) -- skin.less adj -- by the skin of one's teeth : by a very narrow margin -- under one's skin : so deeply penetrative as to irritate, stimulate, provoke thought, or otherwise excite -- under the skin : beneath apparent or surface differences: at heart

[2]skin vb skinned ; skin.ning vt (14c) 1 a: to strip, scrape, or rub off an outer covering (as the skin or rind) of b: to strip or peel off c: to cut, chip, or damage the surface of "fell and skinned my knee"

2. a: to cover with or as if with skin b: to heal over with skin 3 a: to strip of money or property: fleece b: to defeat badly c: censure, castigate

4: to urge on and direct the course of (as a draft animal) ~ vi 1: to become covered with or as if with skin

2. a: shin 1 b: to pass or get by with scant room to spare [3]skin adj (ca. 1935): involving subjects who are nude "expected to conduct ~ searches for weapons --Diane K. Shah"; esp: devoted to showing nudes "~ magazines"

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