1 covering of a human/animal body
▪ beautiful , clear , fine , flawless , good , healthy , perfect
You want clear, healthy ~.
▪ glowing , radiant
Keep your ~ radiant using creams and lotions.
▪ creamy , smooth , soft
▪ thick , thin
▪ translucent
▪ supple , young , youthful
▪ sagging , wrinkled
▪ hard , leathery , rough , tough
▪ delicate , sensitive
▪ greasy , oily
▪ moist
▪ dry , flaky , scaly
▪ flaking , peeling
▪ black , brown , dark , ebony , golden , olive , tan
▪ alabaster ( literary ), fair , ivory , light , milky , pale , porcelain ( literary ), white
Jenny is small and slender with porcelain ~.
▪ pallid , pasty , sallow
▪ bronzed , tanned
▪ sunburned
▪ weathered
▪ freckled
▪ raw , tender
There was a patch of raw ~ on my back where the sun had burned it.
▪ itchy
▪ blotchy
▪ broken , damaged
▪ hairless
▪ facial
Body ~ is thicker than facial ~.
▪ bare , exposed , naked
The sheets felt nice next to his bare ~.
Wear clothing that protects all exposed ~.
▪ loose
I picked up the kitten by the loose ~ on its neck.
▪ outer
▪ dead
A lot of dust is made up of particles of dead ~.
▪ break , burn , damage , irritate
▪ protect
▪ moisturize , nourish , soothe
This cream moisturizes dry ~.
▪ dry , dry out
▪ exfoliate
Clean and exfoliate your ~ before applying make-up.
▪ remove
Exfoliate to remove dead ~.
▪ penetrate , pierce , puncture
The needle pierced my ~.
▪ shed
This snake sheds its ~ eight times a year.
▪ age
Smoking undoubtedly ages the ~.
▪ glisten , glow
Her ~ was glistening with sweat after her run.
▪ age
They claim that this cream makes the ~ age more slowly.
▪ hang , sag
▪ blister , burn , peel
▪ crawl , tingle
Just thinking about spiders makes my ~ crawl.
▪ allergy , burns , cancer , complaint ( esp. BrE ), condition , damage , disease , disorder ( esp. AmE ), infection , irritation , lesion , problems , rash
▪ graft
▪ specialist ( esp. BrE )
▪ care
make-up and skin-care products
▪ cleanser , cream , lotion , products ( esp. AmE )
▪ colour/color , tone
▪ texture
▪ type
▪ cells , tissue
▪ contact
Avoid ~ contact with the glue.
▪ against the/your ~
The sheets felt rough against her ~.
▪ beneath the/your ~
Beneath his ~, the muscles were tight with tension.
▪ on the/your ~
blisters on the ~
▪ through the/your ~
A network of veins showed through his ~.
▪ under the/your ~
He discovered a lump under his ~ so he went to the doctor.
▪ ~ and bone ( esp. BrE ), ~ and bones ( esp. AmE )
The dog was little more than ~ and bone/bones.
2 skin of an animal that has been removed
▪ animal
▪ crocodile , goat , leopard , etc.
▪ cure , tan
3 covering of some fruits/ vegetables
▪ banana , onion , potato , etc.
▪ peel off , remove
Skin is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ fish , ↑ knee , ↑ rabbit