Meaning of STRAP in English

[strap] n [alter. of strop, fr. ME, band or loop of leather or rope, fr. OE, thong for securing an oar, fr. L struppus band, strap, fr. Gk strophos twisted band, fr. strephein to twist] (1601) 1 a: a narrow usu. flat strip or thong of a flexible material and esp. leather used for securing, holding together, or wrapping b: something made of a strap forming a loop "a boot ~" c: a strip of leather used for flogging d: strop

2: a band, plate, or loop of metal for binding objects together or for clamping an object in position

3: a shoe fastened with a usu. buckled strap

4. Irish: trollop


[2]strap vt strapped ; (1711) 1 a (1): to secure with or attach by means of a strap (2): to support (as a sprained joint) with overlapping strips of adhesive plaster b: bind, constrict

2: to beat or punish with a strap

3: strop

4: to cause to suffer from an extreme scarcity "is often strapped for cash"

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