n. & v.
1. a strip of leather or other flexible material, often with a buckle or other fastening for holding things together etc.
2 a thing like this for keeping a garment in place.
3 a loop for grasping to steady oneself in a moving vehicle.
4 a a strip of metal used to secure or connect. b a leaf of a hinge.
5 Bot. a tongue-shaped part in a floret.
6 (prec. by the) punishment by beating with a strap.
--v.tr. (strapped, strapping)
1. (often foll. by down, up, etc.) secure or bind with a strap.
2 beat with a strap.
3 (esp. as strapped adj.) colloq. subject to a shortage.
4 (often foll. by up) close (a wound) or bind (a part) with adhesive plaster.
Phrases and idioms:
strap-work ornamentation imitating plaited straps.
strapper n. strappy adj.
Etymology: dial. form of STROP