Meaning of STRAP in English

Synonyms and related words :

Mystik tape, Scotch tape, aculeate, acuminate, adhesive tape, anchor, band, bandage, barb, baste, bastinado, bathe, batten, beat, belabor, belt, bend, bind, bind up, birch, blacksnake, brace, bridle, buffet, bullwhack, bullwhip, bundle, call, cane, care for, cat, cellophane tape, chain, cinch, cloth tape, club, cowhide, crop, cudgel, cure, cuspidate, cut, diagnose, do up, doctor, drub, edge, enchain, entrammel, fascia, fasten, fetter, file, fillet, flagellate, flagellum, flail, flog, flux, friction tape, fustigate, gird, girdle, girt, girth, give a whipping, give care to, give the stick, grind, gyve, hamper, handcuff, heal, hobble, hog-tie, hone, hopple, horsewhip, knout, kurbash, lace, lash, lath, lay on, leash, ligula, ligule, list, make fast, manacle, masking tape, massage, minister to, moor, nurse, oilstone, operate on, option, peg down, physic, picket, pin down, pinion, pistol-whip, plank, plaster, plastic tape, point, pommel, poultice, pummel, purge, put, put and call, put in irons, quirt, rawhide, razor strap, remedy, reset, restrain, ribband, ribbon, right, rope, rub, scourge, secure, set, shackle, sharpen, shred, sjambok, slat, slip, smite, spank, spiculate, spill, splice, spline, splint, spread, spur, stock option, straddle, straitjacket, strake, strip, stripe, strop, swaddle, swathe, swinge, switch, taenia, tape, tape measure, tapeline, taper, tether, thong, thrash, thump, ticker tape, tie, tie down, tie up, trammel, treat, trounce, truncheon, truss, wallop, whale, whet, whip, whiplash, whop, wire, wrap, wrap up

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