[sum.mit] n [ME somete, fr. MF, fr. OF, dim. of sum top, fr. L summum, neut. of summus highest--more at sum] (15c) 1: top, apex; esp: the highest point: peak
2: the topmost level attainable "the ~ of human fame" 3 a: the highest level of offici als; esp: the diplomatic level of heads of government b: a conference of highest-level officials (as heads of government) "an economic ~" syn summit, peak, pinnacle, climax, apex, acme, culmination mean the highest point attained or attainable. summit implies the topmost level attainable "at the summit of the Victorian social scene". peak suggests the highest among other high points "an artist working at the peak of her powers". pinnacle suggests a dizzying and often insecure height "the pinnacle of worldly success". climax implies the highest point in an ascending series "the war was the climax to a series of hostile actions". apex implies the point where all ascending lines converge "the apex of Dutch culture". acme implies a level of quality representing the perfection of a thing "a statue that was once deemed the acme of beauty". culmination suggests the outcome of a growth or development representing an attained objective "the culmination of years of effort".
[2]summit vi (1972): to participate in a summit conference