Meaning of SUSTAIN in English

[sus.tain] vt [ME sustenen, fr. OF sustenir, fr. L sustinere to hold up, sustain, fr. sub-, sus- up + tenere to hold--more at sub-, thin] (13c) 1: to give support or relief to

2: to supply with sustenance: nourish

3: keep up, prolong

4: to support the weight of: prop; also: to carry or withstand (a weight or pressure)

5: to buoy up "~ed by hope"

6. a: to bear up under b: suffer, undergo "~ed heavy losses"

7. a: to support as true, legal, or just b: to allow or admit as valid "the court ~ed the motion" 8: to support by adequate proof: confirm "testimony that ~s our contention" -- adv -- n

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