Meaning of TALLY in English

[tal.ly] n, pl tallies [ME talye, fr. ML talea, tallia, fr. L talea twig, cutting] (15c) 1: a device (as a notched rod or mechanical counter) for visibly recording or accounting esp. business transactions

2. a: a recorded reckoning or account (as of items or charges) "keep a daily ~ of accidents" b: a score or point made (as in a game) 3 a: a part that corresponds to an opposite or companion member: complement b: a state of correspondence or agreement

[2]tally vb tal.lied ; tal.ly.ing vt (15c) 1 a: to record on or as if on a tally: tabulate b: to list or check off (as a cargo) by items c: to register (as a score) in a contest

2: to make a count of: reckon

3: to cause to correspond ~ vi 1 a: to make a tally by or as if by tabulating b: to register a point in a contest: score

2: correspond, match

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