[tow.er] n [ME tour, tor, fr. OE torr & OF tor, tur, both fr. L turris, fr. Gk tyrris, tyrsis] (bef. 12c) 1: a building or structure typically higher than its diameter and high relative to its surroundings that may stand apart (as a campanile), or be attached (as a church belfry) to a larger structure, and that may be fully walled in or of skeleton framework (as an observation or transmission tower)
2: a towering citadel: fortress
3: one that provides support or protection: bulwark "a ~ of strength" -- tow.ered adj -- tow.er.like adj
[2]tower vi (1582) 1: to reach or rise to a great height
2: to exhibit superior qualities: surpass "her intellect ~ed over the others'"