Meaning of TRIP in English

[trip] vb tripped ; [ME trippen, fr. MF triper, of Gmc origin; akin to OE treppan to tread--more at trap] vi (14c) 1 a: to dance, skip, or caper with light quick steps b: to walk with light quick steps

2: to catch the foot against something so as to stumble

3: to make a mistake or false step (as in morality or accuracy)

4: to stumble in articulation when speaking

5: to make a journey

6: to run past the pallet of an escapement without previously locking--used of a tooth of the escapement wheel of a watch

7. a: to actuate a mechanism b: to become operative 8: to get high on a psychedelic drug (as LSD): turn on--often used with out ~ vt 1 a: to cause to stumble--often used with up b: to cause to fail: obstruct--often used with up

2: to detect in a misstep, fault, or blunder; also: expose--usu. used with up 3 archaic: to perform (as a dance) lightly or nimbly

4: to raise (an anchor) from the bottom so as to hang free

5. a: to pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering b: to hoist (a topmast) far enough to enable the fid to be withdrawn preparatory to housing or lowering

6: to release or operate (a mechanism) esp. by releasing a catch or detent -- trip the light fantastic : dance

[2]trip n (15c) 1: a stroke or catch by which a wrestler is made to lose footing

2. a: voyage, journey b: a single round or tour on a business errand

3: error, misstep

4: a quick light step

5: a faltering step caused by stumbling

6. a: the action of tripping mechanically b (1): a device for tripping a mechanism (as a catch or detent) (2): tup

2. 7: an intense visionary experience undergone by a person who has taken a psychedelic drug (as LSD) 8: absorption in or obsession with an interest, attitude, or state of mind "a guilt ~" "on a nostalgia ~" 9: scene, lifestyle

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