[tri.ple] vb tri.pled ; tri.pling [ME, fr. LL triplare, fr. L triplus, adj.] vt (14c) 1: to make three times as great or as many
2. a: to score (a base runner) by a triple b: to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a triple ~ vi 1: to become three times as great or as numerous
2: to make a triple in baseball
[2]triple n [ME, fr. L triplus, adj.] (15c) 1 a: a triple sum, quantity, or number b: a combination, group, or series of three
2: a base hit that allows the batter to reach third base safely
3: trifecta [3]triple adj [MF or L; MF, fr. L triplus, fr. tri- + -plus multiplied by--more at -fold] (1550) 1: being three times as great or as many
2: having three units or members
3: having a threefold relation or character "worked as a double or even ~ agent --Time"
4: three times repeated: treble
5: marked by three beats per musical measure "~ meter"
6. a: having units of three components "~ feet" b of rhyme: involving correspondence of three syllables (as in unfortunate-importunate)