adj., n., & v.
1. consisting of three usu. equal parts or things; threefold.
2 involving three parties.
3 three times as much or many (triple the amount; triple thickness).
1. a threefold number or amount.
2 a set of three.
3 (in pl.) a peal of changes on seven bells. & intr. multiply or increase by three.
Phrases and idioms:
triple crown
1. RC Ch. the pope's tiara.
2 the act of winning all three of a group of important events in horse-racing, rugby football, etc. triple jump an athletic exercise or contest comprising a hop, a step, and a jump. triple play Baseball the act of putting out three runners in a row. triple rhyme a rhyme including three syllables. triple time Mus. that with three beats to the bar; waltz time.
triply adv.
Etymology: OF triple or L triplus f. Gk triplous