[turn up] vt (1563) 1: find, discover
2: to raise or increase by or as if by turning a control "turn up the volume on the radio" 3 Brit a: to look up (as a word or fact) in a book b: to refer to or consult (a book)
4: to turn (a card) face upward ~ vi 1: to appear or come to light unexpectedly or after being lost "new evidence has turned up"
2. a (1): to turn out to be "he turned up missing at roll call" (2): appear
4. "her name is always turning up in the newspapers" b: to arrive or show up at an appointed or expected time or place "turned up half an hour late"
3: to happen or occur unexpectedly "something always turned up to prevent their meeting"
4. of a ship: tack 1b -- turn up one's nose : to show scorn or disdain