Meaning of -WARD in English

[-ward] also -wards adj suffix [-ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard; akin to OHG -wart, -wert -ward, L vertere to turn; -wards fr. -wards, adv. suffix--more at worth] 1: that moves, tends, faces, or is directed toward "riverward"

2: that occurs or is situated in the direction of "leftward"

[2]-ward or -wards adv suffix [-ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard, fr. -weard, adj. suffix; -wards fr. ME, fr. OE -weardes, gen. sing. neut. of -weard, adj. suffix] 1: in a (specified) spatial or temporal direction "upward" "afterward"

2: toward a (specified) point, position, or area "earthward"

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