I. adjective suffix
also -wards
Etymology: -ward from Middle English, from Old English -weard; akin to Old High German -wart, -wert -ward, Latin vertere to turn; -wards from -wards, adverb suffix — more at worth
1. : that moves, tends, faces, or is directed toward
river ward
2. : that occurs or is situated in the direction of
left ward
II. adverb suffix
or -wards
Etymology: -ward from Middle English, from Old English -weard, from -weard, adjective suffix; -wards from Middle English, from Old English -weardes, genitivesingular neuter of -weard, adjective suffix
1. : in a (specified) spatial or temporal direction
up ward
after ward
2. : toward a (specified) point, position, or area
earth ward