I. ˈärm noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English earm; akin to Latin armus shoulder, Sanskrit īrma arm
Date: before 12th century
1. : a human upper limb ; especially : the part between the shoulder and the wrist
2. : something like or corresponding to an arm: as
a. : the forelimb of a vertebrate
b. : a limb of an invertebrate animal
c. : a branch or lateral shoot of a plant
d. : a slender part of a structure, machine, or an instrument projecting from a main part, axis, or fulcrum
e. : the end of a ship's yard ; also : the part of an anchor from the crown to the fluke — see anchor illustration
f. : any of the usually two parts of a chromosome lateral to the centromere
3. : an inlet of water (as from the sea)
4. : a narrow extension of a larger area, mass, or group
5. : power , might
the long arm of the law
6. : a support (as on a chair) for the elbow and forearm
7. : sleeve
8. : the ability to throw or pitch a ball well ; also : a player having such ability
9. : a functional division of a group, organization, institution, or activity
the logistical arm of the air force
• arm·less ˈärm-ləs adjective
• arm·like -ˌlīk adjective
- arm in arm
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English armen, from Anglo-French armer, from Latin armare, from arma weapons, tools; akin to Latin ars skill, Greek harmos joint, arariskein to fit
Date: 12th century
transitive verb
1. : to furnish or equip with weapons
2. : to furnish with something that strengthens or protects
arm ing citizens with the right to vote
3. : to equip or ready for action or operation
arm a bomb
intransitive verb
: to prepare oneself for struggle or resistance
arm for combat
III. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English armes (plural) weapons, from Anglo-French, from Latin arma
Date: 13th century
a. : a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense ; especially : firearm
b. : a combat branch (as of an army)
c. : an organized branch of national defense (as the navy)
2. plural
a. : the hereditary heraldic devices of a family
b. : heraldic devices adopted by a government
3. plural
a. : active hostilities : warfare
a call to arm s
b. : military service
- up in arms