I. ˈbē-t ə l noun
Etymology: Middle English betylle, from Old English bitula; akin to bītan to bite
Date: before 12th century
1. : any of an order (Coleoptera) of insects having four wings of which the outer pair are modified into stiff elytra that protect the inner pair when at rest
2. : any of various insects resembling a beetle
II. intransitive verb
( bee·tled ; bee·tling ˈbē-t ə l-iŋ)
Date: circa 1919
: to scurry like a beetle
editors beetled around the office
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English betel, from Old English bīetel; akin to Old English bēatan to beat
Date: before 12th century
1. : a heavy wooden hammering or ramming instrument
2. : a wooden pestle or bat for domestic tasks
IV. adjective
Etymology: Middle English bitel-browed having overhanging brows, probably from betylle, bitel beetle
Date: 14th century
: being prominent and overhanging
beetle brows
V. intransitive verb
( bee·tled ; bee·tling ˈbē-t ə l-iŋ)
Date: 1602
: project , jut
to scale the beetling crags — R. L. Stevenson