I. ˈkrau̇n noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English coroune, crowne, from Anglo-French corone, from Latin corona wreath, crown, from Greek korōnē culmination, something curved like a crow's beak, literally, crow; akin to Latin cornix crow, Greek korax raven — more at raven
Date: 12th century
1. : a reward of victory or mark of honor ; especially : the title representing the championship in a sport
2. : a royal or imperial headdress or cap of sovereignty : diadem
3. : the highest part: as
a. : the topmost part of the skull or head
b. : the summit of a mountain
c. : the head of foliage of a tree or shrub
d. : the part of a hat or other headgear covering the crown of the head
e. : the part of a tooth external to the gum or an artificial substitute for this — see tooth illustration
4. : a wreath, band, or circular ornament for the head
a. : something resembling a wreath or crown
b. : the knurled cap on top of a watch stem
6. often capitalized
(1) : imperial or regal power : sovereignty
(2) : the government under a constitutional monarchy
b. : monarch
7. : something that imparts splendor, honor, or finish : culmination
a. : any of several old gold coins with a crown as part of the device
b. : an old usually silver British coin worth five shillings
a. : koruna
b. : krona
c. : krone
a. : the region of a seed plant at which stem and root merge
b. : the thick arching end of the shank of an anchor where the arms join it — see anchor illustration
• crowned ˈkrau̇nd adjective
• crown·less -ləs adjective
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English corounen, from Anglo-French coroner, from Latin coronare, from corona
Date: 12th century
transitive verb
a. : to place a crown or wreath on the head of ; specifically : to invest with regal dignity and power
b. : to recognize officially as
they crown ed her athlete of the year
c. : to award a championship to
crown a new champion
2. : to bestow something on as a mark of honor or recompense : adorn
3. : surmount , top ; especially : to top (a checker) with a checker to make a king
4. : to bring to a successful conclusion : climax
the role that crown ed her career
5. : to provide with something like a crown: as
a. : to fill so that the surface forms a crown
b. : to put an artificial crown on (a tooth)
6. : to hit on the head
intransitive verb
of a forest fire : to burn rapidly through the tops of trees