I. ˈfan noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fann, from Latin vannus — more at winnow
Date: before 12th century
1. : any of various devices for winnowing grain
2. : an instrument for producing a current of air: as
a. : a device that is held in the hand and moved back and forth to cool a person and that is usually shaped like a segment of a circle and composed of material (as feathers or paper) mounted on thin rods or slats moving about a pivot so that the device may be closed compactly when not in use
b. : a device that consists of a series of vanes radiating from a hub rotated on its axle by a motor
c. slang : an airplane propeller
a. : something resembling an open fan
b. : a gently sloping fan-shaped body of detritus ; especially : alluvial fan
• fan·like -ˌlīk adjective
II. verb
( fanned ; fan·ning )
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
a. : to drive away the chaff of (grain) by means of a current of air
b. : to eliminate (as chaff) by winnowing
2. : to move or impel (air) with a fan
3. : to blow or breathe upon
the breeze fanning her hair
a. : to direct a current of air upon with a fan
b. : to stir up to activity as if by fanning : stimulate
fanning the fires of nationalism
5. archaic : wave
6. slang : spank
7. : to spread like a fan
the peacock fanned his tail
8. : to strike (a batter) out in baseball
9. : to fire a series of shots from (a single-action revolver) by holding the trigger back and successively striking the hammer to the rear with the free hand
intransitive verb
1. : to move like a fan : flutter
2. : to spread like a fan — often used with out
the searchers fanned out
3. : strike out 3
• fan·ner ˈfa-nər noun
III. noun
Etymology: probably short for fanatic
Date: 1682
1. : an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator
2. : an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit)
science-fiction fan s