I. for·mer ˈfȯr-mər adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from forme first, from Old English forma — more at foremost
Date: 12th century
a. : coming before in time
b. : of, relating to, or occurring in the past
former correspondence
2. : preceding in place or arrangement : foregoing
the former part of the chapter
3. : first in order of two or more things cited or understood
of the two given, the former spelling is more common
of the two spellings, the former is more common
4. : having been previously : onetime
a former athlete
Synonyms: see preceding
II. form·er ˈfȯr-mər noun
Date: 14th century
1. : one that forms
2. chiefly British : a member of a school form — usually used in combination
sixth former