I. form·er ˈfȯrmər, ˈfȯ(ə)mə(r noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from formen to form + -er — more at form
1. : one that forms : maker , creator , shaper
discipline is a former of character
2. : a worker who forms materials into products or products from materials (as by cutting, pressing, bending, molding, or other hand or machine operation) — often used in combination with an attributive noun indicating the material acted on or the product produced
a coil former
expert felt formers
3. : a device, tool, or machine used to form some material or product: as
a. : a shape around or by which an article is to be shaped, molded, woven, wrapped, pasted, or otherwise constructed
the former on which paper bags are pasted
b. : a templet, pattern, gauge, guide, or block by which an article is shaped or bent
c. : forming die
d. : a device or machine for bending sheet metal into various forms (as tubes or cylinders)
e. : a machine used in ropemaking for twisting yarn into strands
[ form (I) + -er ]
chiefly Britain : a member of a school form — usually used in combination
sixth formers
invited the lower formers on a picnic
II. for·mer adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from forme first (from Old English forma ) + -er — more at foremost
a. : preceding in order of time ; usually : of, relating to, or occurring in the past : antecedent , previous , prior , earlier
recovered some of her former ease
as we agreed in former correspondence
b. obsolete : being far distant in time : ancient
2. : near the beginning : preceding
the former part of a discourse or argument
3. : first mentioned or in order of two things mentioned or understood
of these two evils the former is the lesser
4. obsolete : anterior in place or situation : front , foremost
5. : having been at some previous time : onetime , sometime
former president of his fraternity
former members of the legislature