former 1
/fawr"meuhr/ , adj.
1. preceding in time; prior or earlier: during a former stage in the proceedings.
2. past, long past, or ancient: in former times.
3. preceding in order; being the first of two: Our former manufacturing process was too costly.
4. being the first mentioned of two (distinguished from latter ): The former suggestion was preferred to the latter.
5. having once, or previously, been; erstwhile: a former president.
[ 1125-75; ME, equiv. to forme (OE forma first) + -er -ER 4 . Cf. FOREMOST ]
Syn. 3. foregoing, antecedent. 5. past, ex-.
former 2
/fawr"meuhr/ , n.
1. a person or thing that forms or serves to form.
2. a pupil in a particular form or grade, esp. in a British secondary school: fifth formers.
[ 1300-50; ME fourmer. See FORM, -ER 1 ]