I. ˈgap noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse, chasm, hole; akin to Old Norse gapa to gape
Date: 14th century
a. : a break in a barrier (as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense)
b. : an assailable position
a. : a mountain pass
b. : ravine
3. : spark gap
a. : a separation in space
b. : an incomplete or deficient area
a gap in her knowledge
5. : a break in continuity : hiatus
6. : a break in the vascular cylinder of a plant where a vascular trace departs from the central cylinder
7. : lack of balance : disparity
the gap between imports and exports
8. : a wide difference in character or attitude
the generation gap
9. : a problem caused by some disparity
a communication gap
credibility gap
• gap·py ˈga-pē adjective
II. verb
( gapped ; gap·ping )
Date: 1879
transitive verb
1. : to make an opening in
2. : to adjust the space between the electrodes of (a spark plug)
intransitive verb
: to fall or stand open