Meaning of OUT in English

I. ˈau̇t adverb

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ūt; akin to Old High German ūz out, Greek hysteros later, Sanskrit ud up, out

Date: before 12th century



(1) : in a direction away from the inside or center

went out into the garden

(2) : outside

it's raining out

b. : from among others

c. : away from the shore

d. : away from home or work

out to lunch

e. : away from a particular place


a. : so as to be missing or displaced from the usual or proper place

left a word out

threw his shoulder out

b. : into the possession or control of another

lend out money

c. : into a state of loss or defeat

was voted out

d. : into a state of vexation

they do not mark me, and that brings me out — Shakespeare

e. : into groups or shares

sorted out her notes

parceled out the farm


a. : to the point of depletion, extinction, or exhaustion

the food ran out

turn the light out

all tuckered out

b. : to completion or satisfaction

hear me out

work the problem out

c. : to the full or a great extent or degree

all decked out

stretched out on the floor


a. : in or into the open

the sun came out

b. : out loud

cried out

c. : in or into public circulation

the evening paper isn't out yet

hand out pamphlets

the library book is still out


a. : at an end

before the day is out

b. : in or into an insensible or unconscious state

she was out cold

c. : in or into a useless state

landed the plane with one engine out

d. : so as to end the offensive turn of another player, a side, or oneself in baseball

threw him out

fly out

6. — used on a two-way radio circuit to indicate that a message is complete and no reply is expected

II. verb

Date: before 12th century

transitive verb

1. : eject , oust

2. : to identify publicly as being such secretly

wanted to out pot smokers

especially : to identify as being a closet homosexual

intransitive verb

: to become publicly known

the truth will out

III. preposition

Date: 13th century

— used as a function word to indicate an outward movement

ran out the door

looked out the window

IV. adjective

Date: 13th century


a. : situated outside : external

b. : out-of-bounds

2. : situated at a distance : outlying

the out islands

3. : not being in power

4. : absent

5. : removed by the defense from play as a batter or base runner in a baseball inning

two men out

6. : directed outward or serving to direct something outward

the out basket

7. : not being in vogue or fashion

8. : not to be considered : out of the question

9. : determined 1

was out to get revenge

10. : engaged in or attempting a particular activity

won on his first time out

11. : publicly known or identified as a homosexual

V. noun

Date: 1717

1. : outside

2. : one who is out of office or power or on the outside

a matter of out s versus ins


a. : an act or instance of putting a player out or of being put out in baseball

b. : a player that is put out

4. : a way of escaping from an embarrassing or difficult situation

- on the outs

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.