I. prə-ˈgre-siv adjective
Date: circa 1612
a. : of, relating to, or characterized by progress
b. : making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities
c. : of, relating to, or constituting an educational theory marked by emphasis on the individual child, informality of classroom procedure, and encouragement of self-expression
2. : of, relating to, or characterized by progression
3. : moving forward or onward : advancing
a. : increasing in extent or severity
a progressive disease
b. : increasing in rate as the base increases
a progressive tax
5. often capitalized : of or relating to political Progressives
6. : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form that expresses action or state in progress at the time of speaking or a time spoken of
• pro·gres·sive·ly adverb
• pro·gres·sive·ness noun
II. noun
Date: 1846
a. : one that is progressive
b. : one believing in moderate political change and especially social improvement by governmental action
2. capitalized : a member of any of various United States political parties: as
a. : a member of a predominantly agrarian minor party that around 1912 split off from the Republicans ; specifically : Bull Moose
b. : a follower of Robert M. La Follette in the presidential campaign of 1924
c. : a follower of Henry A. Wallace in the presidential campaign of 1948