/ prəˈgresɪv; NAmE / adjective , noun
■ adjective
in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change :
progressive schools
OPP retrogressive
happening or developing steadily :
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
a progressive muscular disease
(also con·tinu·ous ) ( grammar ) connected with the form of a verb (for example I am waiting or It is raining ) that is made from a part of be and the present participle. Progressive forms are used to express an action that continues for a period of time.
► pro·gres·siv·ism noun [ U ]:
political progressivism
■ noun
[ usually pl. ] a person who is in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change :
political battles between progressives and conservatives
early 17th cent.: from French progressif , -ive or medieval Latin progressivus , from progress- gone forward, from the verb progredi , from pro- forward + gradi to walk.