I. ri-ˈkrüt
Date: 1643
transitive verb
(1) : to fill up the number of (as an army) with new members : reinforce
(2) : to enlist as a member of an armed service
b. : to increase or maintain the number of
America recruit ed her population from Europe
c. : to secure the services of : engage , hire
d. : to seek to enroll
recruit prospective students
2. : replenish
3. : to restore or increase the health, vigor, or intensity of
intransitive verb
: to enlist new members
• re·cruit·er noun
II. noun
Etymology: French recrute, recrue fresh growth, new levy of soldiers, from Middle French, from recroistre to grow up again, from Latin recrescere, from re- + crescere to grow — more at crescent
Date: circa 1645
1. : a fresh or additional supply
2. : a newcomer to a field or activity ; specifically : a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces
3. : a former enlisted man of the lowest rank in the army