Synonyms and related words :
abecedarian, accommodate, add to, afford, alphabetarian, apprentice, arriviste, articled clerk, augment, baby, beat the drums, beginner, bespeak, book, boot, brace up, brief, bring back, bring to, call back, call to arms, call up, catechumen, clothe, commandeer, conscript, contribute, convalesce, deb, debutant, detach, detach for service, donate, draft, drafted man, draftee, emigrant, employ, endow, engage, enlist, enlistee, enroll, enrollee, entrant, fill, fill up, find, fledgling, fortify, freshman, fund, furnish, gain strength, gate-crasher, get back, get better, give, give back, greenhorn, greeny, hire, ignoramus, immigrant, impress, improve, increase, induct, inductee, infant, initiate, intruder, invest, join, keep, learner, levy, list, maintain, make available, make provision for, mend, mobilize, muster, muster in, neophyte, nestling, new arrival, new boy, newcomer, novice, novitiate, novus homo, parvenu, perk up, pick up, place in, postulant, preengage, prepare, present, press, probationer, probationist, provide, provide for, put back, raise, rally, raw recruit, reactivate, reanimate, rebuild, recall to life, recharge, reconstitute, reconvert, recoup, recuperate, reenact, reestablish, refill, reform, refresh, regain, regenerate, rehabilitate, reheat the ashes, reinforce, reinspire, reinstall, reinstate, reinstitute, reintegrate, reinvest, rejuvenate, rekindle, relight, renew, renovate, repair, replace, replenish, repossess, reserve, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, retain, retrieve, return, revest, revitalize, revive, revivify, rewarm, rookie, selectee, settler, sign on, sign up, sign up for, sleep it off, squatter, stir the embers, stock, store, stowaway, strengthen, subsidize, summon, supplement, supply, support, take into employment, take on, tenderfoot, trainee, turn the corner, tyro, upstart, warm over, warm up, yield