I. ˈrisk noun
Etymology: French risque, from Italian risco
Date: circa 1661
1. : possibility of loss or injury : peril
2. : someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard
a. : the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract ; also : the degree of probability of such loss
b. : a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer
a poor risk for insurance
c. : an insurance hazard from a specified cause or source
war risk
4. : the chance that an investment (as a stock or commodity) will lose value
• risk·less ˈris-kləs adjective
- at risk
II. transitive verb
Date: circa 1687
1. : to expose to hazard or danger
risk ed her life
2. : to incur the risk or danger of
risk ed breaking his neck
• risk·er noun