Synonyms and related words :
accident, accidentality, actuarial calculation, admit of, adventitiousness, adventure, be liable, be subjected to, beard, bet, bid fair to, brave, break, breakers ahead, buy in, buy into, calculated risk, cardhouse, casualness, cause for alarm, chance, chance it, compromise, confront, court destruction, crisis, danger, dangerous ground, dare, defy, defy danger, destiny, desultoriness, emergency, encounter, encounter danger, endanger, endangerment, expose, exposure, face, face up to, fate, financier, flier, flukiness, forget the odds, fortuitousness, fortuity, fortune, gamble, gamble on, gamble with, gaping chasm, gathering clouds, good fortune, good luck, hap, happenstance, happy chance, hazard, heedless hap, house of cards, how they fall, imperil, imperilment, incur danger, indeterminacy, indeterminateness, infirmity, insecurity, insolidity, instability, insubstantiality, invest, invest in, investment, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, law of averages, lay open, lay out money, liability, liableness, lie under, lot, luck, make an investment, make book, meet, menace, moira, openness, opportunity, pass, peril, perilousness, pinch, place, play, play with fire, plight, plow back into, plunge, precariousness, predicament, predict, prime investment, principle of indeterminacy, probability, problematicness, prognosticate, put, put in danger, put in jeopardy, quicksand, random sample, reinvest, rely on fortune, riskiness, rocks ahead, run a chance, run of luck, run the chance, run the risk, serendipity, set at hazard, shakiness, shiftiness, shiftingness, sink, sink money in, slipperiness, speculate, speculation, speculativeness, stand a chance, stand fair to, stand to gain, stand to lose, statistical probability, storm clouds, strait, take a chance, take a flier, take chances, tempt Providence, tempt fortune, the breaks, theory of probability, thin ice, threat, ticklishness, treacherousness, treachery, trust to chance, try the chance, unauthenticity, unauthoritativeness, uncertainty, uncertainty principle, undependability, unfaithworthiness, unreliability, unsolidity, unsoundness, unsteadfastness, unsteadiness, unsubstantiality, unsureness, untrustworthiness, venture, wager, whatever comes