I. ˈrō-zə-vəlt ( Rooseveltsʸ usual pron. ), -ˌvelt also ˈrü- biographical name
(Anna) Eleanor 1884-1962 née Roosevelt, wife of F.D. American humanitarian & writer
II. biographical name
Franklin Del·a·no ˈde-lə-ˌnō 1882-1945 32d president of the United States (1933-45)
• Roo·se·velt·ian ˌrō-zə-ˈvel-tē-ən, -sh(ē-)ən adjective
III. biographical name
Theodore 1858-1919 26th president of the United States (1901-09)
IV. ˈrō-zə-ˌvelt, -vəlt also ˈrü- geographical name
river about 400 miles (644 kilometers ) W central Brazil flowing from W Mato Grosso state N into the Aripuanã