/roh"zeuh velt', -veuhlt, rohz"velt, -veuhlt/ ; spelling pron. /rooh"zeuh velt'/ , n.
1. (Anna) Eleanor , 1884-1962, U.S. diplomat, author, and lecturer (wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
2. Franklin Delano /del"euh noh'/ , ( "FDR" ), 1882-1945, 32nd president of the U.S. 1933-45.
3. Theodore ( Teddy, "T.R." ), 1858-1919, 26th president of the U.S. 1901-09: Nobel peace prize 1906.
4. Rio . Formerly, Río da Duvida . a river flowing N from W Brazil to the Madeira River. ab. 400 mi. (645 km) long.