I. ˈtāp noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tæppe
Date: before 12th century
1. : a narrow woven fabric
2. : a string or ribbon stretched breast-high above the finish line of a race
3. : a narrow flexible strip or band: as
a. : adhesive tape
b. : magnetic tape ; also : cassette 2b
4. : tape recording
II. verb
( taped ; tap·ing )
Date: 1609
transitive verb
1. : to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with tape
2. : to record on tape and especially magnetic tape
tape an interview
intransitive verb
: to record something on tape and especially magnetic tape
III. adjective
Date: 1947
1. : recorded on tape
tape music
2. : intended for use with recording (as magnetic) tape
a tape cartridge