I. ˈtim-bər noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, building, wood; akin to Old High German zimbar wood, room, Greek demein to build, domos course of stones or bricks
Date: before 12th century
a. : growing trees or their wood
b. — used interjectionally to warn of a falling tree
2. : wood suitable for building or for carpentry
3. : material , stuff ; especially : a person or type of person qualified for a particular position or status
managerial timber
a. : a large squared or dressed piece of wood ready for use or forming part of a structure
b. British : lumber 2a
c. : a curving frame branching outward from the keel of a ship and bending upward in a vertical direction that is usually composed of several pieces united : rib
• timber adjective
II. transitive verb
( tim·bered ; tim·ber·ing -b(ə-)riŋ)
Date: before 12th century
: to frame, cover, or support with timbers