Meaning of CHICKEN in English

Synonyms and related words :

Ancona, Andalusian, Australorp, Bantam, Brahma, Campine, Cochin, Cornish, Cornish hen, Hamburg, Hershey bar, Leghorn, Lord Fauntleroy, Milquetoast, New Hampshire red, Orpington, Percy, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island red, Rock Cornish, Sumatra, Sussex, afraid, anemic, asthenic, auntie, aviation badge, baby, back out, badge, banty, bar, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, bi-guy, biddy, big baby, bisexual, black Minorca, black Spanish, black Sumatra, bloodless, blue Orpington, boggle, broiler, brooder, broody hen, buff Orpington, bull dyke, butch, caille, canard, caneton, capon, catamite, chanticleer, chapon, chevron, chick, chickabiddy, chicken liver, chicken out, chickenhearted, chicky, cock, cockerel, coward, cowardly, cowed, craven, cream puff, crybaby, dastard, daunted, debilitated, desert under fire, dindon, dismayed, domestic fowl, doormat, drake, drooping, droopy, duck, duckling, dull, dull tool, dunghill fowl, dyke, eagle, effeminate, effete, epaulet, etiolated, fag, faggot, faint, fainthearted, faintish, fairy, faisan, falter, fearful, feeble, femme, flabby, flaccid, flit, floppy, fowl, fraid-cat, fraidy-cat, fricatrice, fruit, fryer, funk, funk out, funker, funking, funky, game fowl, gander, get cold feet, gobbler, gone, goody-goody, goose, gosling, grouse, guinea cock, guinea fowl, guinea hen, gunsel, gutless, gutless wonder, hash mark, hen, hen turkey, henhearted, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, imbecile, impotent, insignia of branch, intimidated, invert, invertebrate, jellyfish, languid, languorous, lesbian, lightweight, lily, lily liver, lily-livered, limber, limp, listless, lose courage, lustless, marrowless, meek soul, milk-livered, milksop, milksoppish, milksoppy, mollycoddle, mouse, mousy, muliebrous, namby-pamby, nance, nancy, nebbish, nerveless, nonentity, oak leaf, oie, old woman, old-womanish, organization insignia, overseas bar, overtimid, overtimorous, panic-prone, panicky, pansy, pantywaist, parachute badge, partlet, partridge, patch, pathic, pheasant, pigeon, pigeonhearted, pigeonneau, pip, pithless, poltroon, poltroonish, pooped, poulard, poulet, poult, poultry, powerless, prissy, pullet, punk, pushover, pusillanimous, quail, queen, queer, quitter, rabbity, roaster, rooster, rubbery, sad sack, sapless, sapphist, scaredy-cat, scuttle, service stripe, setting hen, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, sinewless, sissified, sissy, sissyish, skedaddle, slack, soft, softling, softy, sop, speckled Sussex, spineless, spread eagle, spring chicken, spunkless, squab, star, stewing chicken, strengthless, stripe, submarine badge, timid, timorous, tom, tom turkey, tribade, turkey, turkey gobbler, turkey-cock, unhardened, unmanly, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, volaille, weak, weak sister, weak-kneed, weakhearted, weakling, weakly, white Orpington, white Plymouth Rock, white Wyandotte, white feather, white liver, white-livered, wild duck, womanish, yellow,

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