Synonyms and related words :
Christian, accepted, accordant, accustomed, acknowledged, admitted, agreed, anal, approved, authentic, authoritative, average, being done, bourgeois, button-down, canonical, ceremonial, ceremonious, comme il faut, common, commonplace, compulsive, concordant, conformable, conformist, conscientious, conservative, constrained, consuetudinary, contractual, correct, corresponding, covenantal, current, customary, de rigueur, decent, decorous, established, evangelical, everyday, faithful, familiar, fastidious, firm, fixed, folk, formal, formalistic, garden, garden-variety, generally accepted, habitual, hallowed, handed down, harmonious, heroic, hieratic, hoary, household, immemorial, in accord, in keeping, in line, in step, inveterate, kosher, legendary, literal, liturgic, long-established, long-standing, meet, middle-class, moderate, mythological, naive, natural, nice, no great shakes, normal, normative, obtaining, of long standing, of the faith, of the folk, old hat, old-fashioned, oral, ordinary, orthodox, orthodoxical, pedantic, plastic, pompous, popular, precise, precisianistic, predominating, prescribed, prescriptive, prevailing, prevalent, proper, punctilious, reactionary, received, recognized, regular, regulation, reliable, responsible, right, ritual, ritualistic, rooted, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, sacerdotal, scriptural, scrupulous, seemly, set, simple, sober, solemn, sound, square, standard, stately, stock, stodgy, straight, stuffy, suburban, temperate, textual, time-honored, traditional, traditionalist, traditionalistic, tried and true, TRUE, true-blue, understood, unexceptional, universal, unnoteworthy, unremarkable, unsophisticated, unspectacular, unwritten, uptight, usual, venerable, vernacular, well-mannered, widespread, wonted, worshipful,