Meaning of COP OUT in English

Synonyms and related words :

abatement of differences, abstain, abstention, accommodate, accommodation, adjust, adjustment, alibi, anythingarianism, arrangement, bargain, cash in, check out, compose, composition, compound, compromise, concession, conk, cop a plea, croak, deal, desertion of principle, die, drop, duck responsibility, duck the issue, escape without penalty, evade, evade responsibility, evade the issue, evasion, evasion of responsibility, excuse, fence-sitting, forsake the world, get away with, get by, get off, get off cheap, give and take, give way, give-and-take, giving way, go, go at liberty, go fifty-fifty, go free, go into retirement, go scot free, impartiality, independence, kick in, kick off, lame excuse, likely story, live alone, live apart, live in retirement, make a deal, make an adjustment, make concessions, meet halfway, mugwumpery, mugwumpism, mutual concession, neutralism, neutrality, nonalignment, noncommitment, noninvolvement, nonpartisanism, nothingarianism, out, peg out, play politics, poor excuse, reach a compromise, remain incommunicado, retire, rusticate, settle, settlement, sit it out, split the difference, stand neuter, stay at home, straddle, strict neutrality, strike a balance, strike a bargain, surrender, take the mean, take the veil, trim, understanding, win freedom, yield, yielding

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