Meaning of CRACK in English

Synonyms and related words :

Daedalian, Parthian shot, above par, abrade, abrasion, abysm, abyss, account for, ace, address, adept, adroit, allegation, allegorize, alligator, answer, aperture, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, approach, apt, arroyo, artistic, assay, assertion, attempt, authoritative, averment, back answer, band, bang, bar, bark, bash, bastinado, bat, beating, belt, bezel, bid, biff, birthmark, bit, blackhead, blast, blaze, bleb, blemish, blister, bloody, blow, bon mot, bonk, boom, bottom, boutade, bowshot, box canyon, brand, bravura, breach, break, break open, break up, breakage, breath, breathing, brief span, bright idea, bright thought, brilliant, brilliant idea, broach, broaching, bug, bulla, bump, burn, burn in, burn off, burst, bust, canal, canalize, canyon, carve, cast, catch, caustic remark, cauterize, cavity, chafe, chamfer, channel, chap, char, chase, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chip, chisel, chop, cicatrix, cicatrize, clack, clap, clarify, clash, claw, clean, clear up, clearing, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clever, click, clip, clobber, close quarters, close range, clough, clout, clump, coal, col, coldcock, come apart, come unstuck, comeback, comedo, comment, conceit, concussion, coordinated, corrugate, corrugation, coulee, couloir, coup, crack, crack up, crackerjack, cracking, crackle, crackling, cranny, crash, crater, craze, crepitate, crepitation, crevasse, crevice, crimp, crump, cryptanalyze, cunning, cupel, cut, cut apart, cut open, cute, cutting remark, cwm, dado, daedal, dash, deal, deal a blow, debug, decipher, deck, declaration, decode, decrepitate, decrepitation, decrypt, deface, defacement, defect, defection, deficiency, defile, deform, deformation, deformity, deft, dell, demonstrate, demythologize, detonate, detonation, dexterous, dextrous, dictum, dig, dike, dint, diplomatic, discharge, disclosure, discontinuity, disentangle, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, disintegrate, dispart, distort, distortion, ditch, divaricate, divide, divine, do, donga, dope, dope out, draw, drawback, drollery, drub, drubbing, drumming, dump, earreach, earshot, effort, elucidate, endeavor, engrave, engraving, enlighten, epigram, essay, euhemerize, excavation, excellent, exclamation, exemplify, exfoliate, experiment, expert, explain, explain away, explicate, explode, explosion, exposit, expound, expression, facetiae, failing, failure, fall to pieces, fancy, fathom, fault, faute, fenestra, fetch, fetch a blow, figure out, find out, find the answer, fissure, fistula, flame, flap, flash, flash burn, flash of wit, flaw, fleer, flight of wit, fling, flip, flop, flout, flume, flute, fluting, fly open, foible, fontanel, foolery, foramen, found, fracture, frailty, fray, frazzle, freckle, fret, fulminate, fulmination, furrow, fusillade, gag, gall, gambit, gap, gape, gash, gat, get, get right, gibe, gibing retort, give away, give reason for, give the meaning, give way, go, go haywire, go into hysterics, go off, go to pieces, goffer, good, goodish, gorge, gouge, graceful, greeting, groove, guess, guess right, gulch, gulf, gully, gunshot, hair, hair space, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, handy, happy thought, have it, hemangioma, hiatus, hickey, high-class, high-grade, high-quality, high-test, hit, hit a clip, hit it, hole, hollow, hurt, illuminate, illustrate, imperfection, inadequacy, inch, incise, incision, infirmity, ingenious, injure, injury, inlet, instant, interjection, interpret, interstice, interval, jab, jape, jeer, jest, jiff, jiffy, joint, keloid, kink, kloof, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, lacerate, laceration, lacuna, lay open, laying open, leak, leg-pull, lentigo, lesion, let have it, lick, list, little, little problem, little ways, lose courage, lose self-control, magisterial, maim, make clear, make mincemeat of, make out, make plain, mar, master, masterful, masterly, maul, mention, microgroove, microsecond, milium, millisecond, minute, moat, mock, mole, moment, mortal wound, mot, move, mutilate, mutilation, nasty crack, neat, needle scar, nevus, niche, no mean, notch, note, nullah, observation, offer, ope, open, open the lock, open up, opening, opening up, orifice, outlet, oxidate, oxidize, parch, part, parting shot, pass, passage, passageway, paste, pelt, percussion, persiflage, phrase, pierce, pimple, pistol shot, pit, play of wit, pleasantry, pleat, plow, plumb, plunk, pock, pockmark, poke, politic, pop, popularize, pore, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, position, potshot, pound, problem, professional, proficient, pronouncement, psych, psych out, punch, puncture, pustule, put-down, put-on, puzzle out, pyrolyze, question, quick, quip, quips and cranks, quite some, rabbet, rap, rationalize, ravel, ravel out, ravine, ready, reflection, remark, rend, rent, repartee, report, resolve, resourceful, retort, riddle, rifle, rifling, rift, rime, rip, riposte, rive, ruck, rude reproach, run, rupture, rut, sally, salvo, savage, say, saying, scab, scald, scale, scar, scarify, scintillation, scissure, scoff, scorch, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, scurrility, seam, sear, sebaceous cyst, sec, second, second-degree burn, sentence, separate, shake, shatter, shed light upon, shiver, short answer, short distance, short piece, short way, shortcoming, shot, show, show how, show the way, simplify, singe, sizzling, skilled, skillful, skin, slam, slap, slash, slat, slice, slick, slit, slog, slot, slug, smack, smart crack, smart saying, smash, smite, snag, snap, snapping, snappy comeback, soak, sock, solder, solve, some, something missing, sore, sort out, space, span, spell out, spit, spitting, spitting distance, splat, splinter, split, split second, splitting, sprain, spread, spread out, spring a leak, spring open, stab, stab wound, stagger, start, statement, statesmanlike, step, stick, stoma, strain, strawberry mark, streak, streaking, stria, striate, striation, striature, striga, strike, strike at, striola, stripe, striping, stroke, stroke of wit, strong bid, sty, stylish, subjoinder, sulcation, sulcus, superior, swap, swat, swing, swing open, swinge, swipe, tactful, taint, tap, tattoo, taunt, tear, tear open, tentative, the compleat, the complete, third-degree burn, thought, throw light upon, throw open, throwing open, thump, thwack, tick, time, torrefy, track, trauma, traumatize, trench, trial, trial and error, trice, trough, try, turn of thought, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twist, twit, twitch, two shakes, uncorking, undertaking, undo, unfold, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, unstopping, untangle, untwist, unweave, utterance, valley, verbal thrust, verruca, vesicate, vesicle, virtuoso, void, volley, vulcanize, vulnerable place, wadi, wale, wallop, warp, wart, weak link, weak point, weakness, weal, weld, well-done, well-worn groove, welt, wen, whack, wham, whap, whirl, whitehead, whomp, whop, wink, wisecrack, witticism, word, work, work out, workmanlike, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wrinkle, yak, yawn, yerk,

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