Synonyms and related words :
Bassalia, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, absorbed, absorbing, abstract, abstracted, abstruse, abysm, abysmal, abyss, abyssal, abyssal zone, acute, ample, amplitudinous, ankle-deep, arcane, arch, ardent, artful, astute, at bottom, at the core, baritone, bass, bathyal zone, benthos, big drink, blue, blue water, booming, bottom waters, bottomless, bottomless depths, brine, briny, broad, broad-minded, cagey, canny, capacious, cavity, centered, central, chasm, civilized, clever, colored, commodious, complex, complicated, comprehensive, concealed, concentrated, consequential, considerable, contralto, contriving, crafty, crater, crevasse, cultivated, cultured, cunning, cute, dark, deceitful, deep-colored, deep-cut, deep-down, deep-echoing, deep-engraven, deep-felt, deep-fixed, deep-laid, deep-lying, deep-pitched, deep-reaching, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, deep-settled, deep-sinking, deep-sunk, deep-sunken, deep-toned, deepgoing, deepish, deeply, deepmouthed, deepsome, depth, designing, devious, difficult, diplomatic, discerning, drink, dyed, earnest, earnestly, educated, encyclopedic, engaged, engrossed, erudite, esoteric, exhaustive, expansive, extended, extending, extensive, far-reaching, feline, fervent, fixed, foxy, full, full-colored, grand, grave, great, ground, guileful, gulf, hard, heartfelt, heavily, heavy, hermetic, hidden, high sea, high seas, hole, hollow, homefelt, hued, hydrosphere, imbued, immersed, impenetrable, in Technicolor, in color, incomprehensible, indelible, indoor, infinite, ingenious, inmost, inner, inner space, innermost, inscrutable, inside, insidious, intense, intensely, intent, interior, internal, intestine, intimate, into, intricate, intriguing, intrinsic, inventive, involved, inward, irresistible, keen, knee-deep, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, lost, low, low-pitched, main, main sea, maximum, mighty, mysterious, mystical, obscure, occult, occupied, ocean, ocean bottom, ocean depths, ocean floor, ocean main, ocean sea, pansophic, past comprehension, pawky, pelagic zone, penetrating, perspicacious, pervading, piercing, pit, plenary, plotting, poignant, politic, polyhistoric, polymath, polymathic, powerful, preoccupied, profound, profoundly, rapt, ready, recondite, resonant, resounding, resourceful, rich, roomy, rumbling, sagacious, sage, salt sea, salt water, sapient, scheming, scholarly, scholastic, sea, secret, sepulchral, serious, serpentine, set, shaft, sharp, shifty, shrewd, sincere, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sonorous, sophistical, spacious, spreading, stained, stealthy, strategic, strong, studious, subtile, subtle, supple, tactical, thalassa, the bounding main, the brine, the briny, the briny deep, the deep, the deep sea, the deeps, the depths, the seven seas, the vasty deep, tide, tinct, tinctured, tinged, tinted, toned, total, transcendental, trench, trickish, tricksy, tricky, unfathomable, vast, voluminous, vulpine, wary, wash-colored, weighty, well, wide, widespread, wily, wise, wise as Solomon, wrapped, wrapped up, yawning, yawning abyss,